Account Administration

The Account Settings option is only available to Admin members associated with the account. Click on the logo on the upper right corner of the header navigation bar:

The following page displays:

Account Profile


Click Update on the Account card to make edits:

After clicking Update, the Account card will be in edit mode, allowing you to make changes:


Provide the name for your account. This field is required.


Provide the privacy for your account. This field defaults to "Account" and is required. Options include:

  • Public - Account page (sample shown below for the account "EVAL Foundation") is visible to the public on the Explore page. This page includes all public applications created and published under the account. Click an app on the Explore page, then click the account icon ("EVAL Foundation") for a list of public apps related to the account.
  • Account - Will only display to logged in members with access to the account

Additionally, click on the "Apps" icon for a list of account apps. Click on an app for more app details.

Short Description

Provide a brief description for your account. This displays below your account name on the Account page. In the above screenshot, the short description is "EVAL Health Foundation Research & Development". This field is optional.

Account Page

This is a view-only field created when your account was setup. This was created at the time you set up your account based on the account name. If the account name changed over time and you need this modified, please contact to be updated.

Click Save to save the account information or Cancel to not save.


Click Update on the Brand card to make edits:

After clicking Update, the Brand card will be in edit mode, allowing you to make changes:


Click Choose and choose from a list of images for your brand logo. After choosing the image, it will display on the card. This action is optional. If you do not populate it, it will default to the first letter of your account name.

Click Save to save the brand image or Cancel to not save.


Provide the website associated with your account. This field is optional.

Click Save to save the brand information or Cancel to not save.


Click Update on the About card to make edits:

After clicking Update, the About card will be in edit mode, allowing you to make changes:


Viewing and Filtering Members

Click the Members tab to view all members on the account.

You can filter the list by providing a letters within the name on which to search. The results will filter as you type.

Display on each result is the:

  • Member Name
  • Username
  • Role (Account Administrator or Account User)

Creating a New Member

To create a new member, click New Member and the following displays:


Provide the member's first and last name. This field is required.

Professional Credentials

Provide the member's professional credentials. This field is optional.


Provide the member's title. This field is optional.


Provide the member's email address. It must be a valid email. This field is required.


Provide the member's username that will be used at login. It must be unique from other usernames within EVAL. This field is required.

Temporary Password

Provide a temporary password for the member. This field is required. The member will be forced to change it at login.


Choose if anyone on the public internet can view the user profile or only visible to other members within your account.

Security Role

Choose a role for the member. This field is required. Options include:

  • Account Administrator: Can add members to the account and set collaborator access, can access/manage all applications on the account regardless of visibility
  • Account Maintenance
  • Account User: Can add applications to the library and create new applications
  • Charts Read: Can view patients and data in Charts
  • Charts Read/Write: Can create a chart workspace and add, edit, and delete patients

Click Save to save the new member or Cancel to not save.

Editing a Member

Click on a member card to view details for the member and edit content.

The following displays on the member:


As Admin, you can edit the Profile card for any member the same as described in My Profile.


As Admin, you can edit the Security card for any member the same as described in My Profile.

EHR Connections

As Admin, you can connect the user to available EHRs. For more information refer to Intro to Charts.


View a list of applications in the member's library:

For each application in the member's library, you can view:

  • Application Name
  • Account Name
  • Most Current Revision #
  • Member's Role for the Application
    • App Owner - can run the application and edit the application
    • App Modify - can run the application and edit the application
    • App User - can run the application and view how it is built but not edit the application

You can also filter the search down by entering key words of the Application Name in the Filter field.

To remove an application from the member's library, click on the 3-dot menu icon and choose Remove Application:

Deleting a Member

To completely delete a member from the account, click Delete and confirm the prompt: